Friday, December 14, 2012

Grumpy cat meme

I made this meme and I am sure there are variations of this created by others already on the internet.
I feel this way today because I am sleepy and cranky. There are certain people that are way too happy and I feel like bursting their bubble to bring them down a notch. I know that sounds really mean spirited, but I think most of can relate. Especially those of you who need your coffee to function.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Just Say No

I think this picture explains the way to true happiness

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Don't think too much of yourself PEOPLE

I went to an event and there was a guy there who was complaining about the wait until he took the stage.
What I could gather from his rantings, it seemed as if he thought he was due some special consideration because he was a internationally known singer.
"Oh?" I said
Even though I refuse to be sucked into anyone's egotistical world as , I was intrigued. I know a little something about opera and classical music and some of the big names. If I was talking to a star, that would be something that I would share on my facebook page. When I pressed him for specifics about when and where he performed at the so-called international events, his answers were not of any substance.
At this point, I began to lose interest. My curiosity was no longer peaked and boredom was beginning to set inside my mind.
Since he was still talking (it sounded like "BLAH BLAH BLAH"), I now needed to formulate a plan to extricate myself from the conversation.
I effectively phone blocked him by pretending I had a message I needed to attend to.
The whole incident annoyed me. Here is a person who thinks so much of himself, that he is in desperate need of people to revolve around him. I know that people sometimes expect deference because of their accomplishments, but it pays to have some humility and realize we are all equal. Even if we, because of opportunities or talents or resources, are able to achieve more in our lives, that does not make us a better person than someone else.

Creation v Evolution (pure science)

I designed the picture #meme because I get tired of hearing science shows talk about evolution theory like it is a fact. Over the years that scientists have tried to prove evolution, they have done nothing but prove the strong likelihood of a creator. When doing science experiments, one cannot adopt a theory as fact because of the passing of time. Scientists have created an evolutionary story without proof and they expect people to go along even though it makes no sense.
I am not going to get into a theological discussion here, but I will say that creation blows my mind with its many intricacies.
Case in point: FRACTALS
The rules that apply for atoms are also in play on a larger scale for the universe.
In comparison to the universe, a house is simple and no one will argue that it would be possible if a house "evolved" from a pile of bricks and wood.
To say that everything in the universe came about by chance is to suspend belief. And I am not buying it.

50 vital questions Part 2

50 vital questions Part 2

I got these questions from

From Occupy Ottawa's Facebook page, this is the continuation of the questions

26. Would you rather lose all of your old memories, or never be able to make new ones? This is a hard questions especially because losing old memories means living in the past but also means forgetting my mom. I think I will say lose old memories because I still would have the pictures of those times. I might not remember all what happened but at least I know that I looked happy so it must have been good.
27. Is it possible to know the truth without challenging it first? No. In order to know what is truth, I think you have to be able to prove it or at least prove that the person speaking it is worthy of your confidence.
28. Has your greatest fear ever come true? Not yet. Hope that never happens.
29. Do you remember that time 5 years ago when you were extremely upset? Does it really matter now? I do remember a time when I was extremely upset and the person that was the cause. It does not really matter now and I actually feel sorry that the guy who made me upset still has no clue how to maintain friendships.
30. What is your happiest childhood memory? What makes it so special? Summer projects with my mom. I was learning and having fun without a care in the world.
31. At what time in your recent past have you felt most passionate and alive? When I got married over a year ago. What a rush!
32. If not now, then when? Not applicable
33. If you haven't achieved it yet, what do you have to lose? Not applicable
34. Have you ever been with someone, said nothing, and walked away feeling like you just had the best conversation ever? All the time with the hubby
35. Why do religions that support love cause so many wars? The leaders are hypocrites that are not following the Bible
36. Is it possible to know, without a doubt, what is good and what is evil? In some cases it is possible because the truth is plain to see.
37. If you just won a million dollars, would you quit your job? Probably
38. Would you rather have less work to do, or more work you actually enjoy doing? More work that I enjoy
39. Do you feel like you've lived this day a hundred times before? Yes my life is pretty routine
40. When was the last time you marched into the dark with only the soft glow of an idea you strongly believed in? I don't think I have had to that yet
41. If you knew that everyone you know was going to die tomorrow, who would you visit today? My nana
42. Would you be willing to reduce your life expectancy by 10 years to become extremely attractive or famous? No
43. What is the difference between being alive and truly living? Being alive means existing and going through the motions of what to do every day. Truly living means living life to the fullest and having enjoyable experiences.
44. When is it time to stop calculating risk and rewards, and just go ahead and do what you know is right? No time like the present
45. If we learn from our mistakes, why are we always so afraid to make a mistake? People equate mistakes with failure and everyone wants to be perfect and never fail.
46. What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you? I don't know. I never thought about it.
47. When was the last time you noticed the sound of your own breathing? When I was exercising. Serious cardio workout had me breathing so hard.
48. What do you love? Have any of your recent actions openly expressed this love? My God, my family, my friends. Yes
49. In 5 years from now, will you remember what you did yesterday? What about the day before that? Or the day before that? I doubt that because I have not done anything exciting lately. I probably will remember the upcoming weekend though. Nana and I are going on a trip together. Those are always memorable.
50. Decisions are being made right now. The question is: Are you making them for yourself, or are you letting others make them for you? I try to make them for myself.


How did you do? Have any of these questions prompted you to make even a small change today?

What questions would you ask your family, your friends… and the people you dislike or who make you angry?


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

50 vital questions Part 1

50 vital questions Part 1

I got these questions from

From Occupy Ottawa's Facebook page, here are some questions for you. They might be easy to answer if you feel strongly, but some of them will be tough, and more will make you think very hard. As you read my answers, think of what your own answers would be to these questions.

In total, there are 50 questions and have no right or wrong answers because sometimes, asking the right questions is the answer.

1. How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are? <Amaryllis> If I was to live forever, I would say 222,222,222 years (just a random even number). In the current life, 25 years (old enough to do everything I want to do).
2. Which is worse, failing or never trying? <Amaryllis> Never trying is worse. At least if you try and fail, you have experiences to help you to be more successful in the future.
3. If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don't like and like so many things we don't do? <Amaryllis> We get caught up in mundane aspects and are not able to fully enjoy life as intended.

4. When it's all said and done, will you have said more than you've done? <Amaryllis> It depends on who I have affected and the impact I have been able to make on the lives of others.

5. What is the one thing you'd most like to change about the world? <Amaryllis> Remove the hate.
6. If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich? <Amaryllis> Teaching and helping others to improve their lives.
7. Are you doing what you believe in, or are you settling for what you are doing? <Amaryllis> Doing what I believe in
8. If the average human life span was 40 years, how would you live your life differently? <Amaryllis> Probably would have spent less time working and more time travelling the world.
9. To what degree have you actually controlled the course your life has taken? <Amaryllis> I have had a lot of control over the decisions I made in life.
10. Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things? <Amaryllis> I try to cultivate in my heart the desire to what is right.
11. You're having lunch with three people you respect and admire. They all start criticizing a close friend of yours, not knowing she is your friend. The criticism is distasteful and unjustified. What do you do? <Amaryllis> Defend my friend that is not there. Hopefully get the others to see a different viewpoint that will make them think twice about their criticism. If they are adamant, then change the subject to prevent any bad feelings or arguments. I would rather not lose respect for them over some thoughtless comments.
12. If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be? <Amaryllis> Live and love life to the fullest
13. Would you break the law to save a loved one? <Amaryllis> Probably
14. Have you ever seen insanity where you later saw creativity? <Amaryllis> See it all the time in artwork and poetic pieces
15. What's something you know you do differently than most people? <Amaryllis> I don't know. Never thought about it.
16. How come the things that make you happy don't make everyone happy? <Amaryllis> Sometimes people don't take the time to appreciate the small things but an accumulation of small joys can create a large mound of happiness.
17. What one thing have you not done that you really want to do? What's holding you back? <Amaryllis> Dive off of a steep waterfall in a tropical location into the lagoon below. I am afraid that I will freak out, forget how to swim and drown.
18. Are you holding onto something you need to let go of? <Amaryllis>
19. If you had to move to a state or country besides the one you currently live in, where would you move and why? <Amaryllis> Belize because that is the country my family is from.
20. Do you push the elevator button more than once? Do you really believe it makes the elevator faster? <Amaryllis> I push the button more than once. I know it does not help but I do it anyway out of habit.
21. Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton? <Amaryllis> I prefer to be a worried genius. Some people might believe that ignorance is bliss but I don't subscribe to that train of thought. The more knowledge, the better.
22. Why are you, you? <Amaryllis>
23. Have you been the kind of friend you want as a friend? <Amaryllis> I think so.
24. Which is worse, when a good friend moves away, or losing touch with a good friend who lives right near you? <Amaryllis> Losing touch with a  good friend that lives near me is worse because it means that we probably grew apart. In a way, that makes me sad.
25. What are you most grateful for? <Amaryllis> All the blessings in my life, my family, my hubby, my friends

Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Squash Casserole

I was feeling sentimental and wanted some comfort food from my childhood. One of the dishes I remember my  mom making in the summertime was squash casserole. This was something that only she and I ate because my brother did not (still does not like) squash. He liked okra and I didn't. And I liked squash and he didn't. And my lovely mom would cook both squash and okra to make sure we had our serving of vegetables at mealtime. I loved her for that. But I digress.
Every now and then, I get a desire to eat the food from my youth. Unfortunately for me, I did not pay attention to how my mom cooked the food that I took for granted. Thankfully though, I have Google. I try to find recipes that have similar steps that sound familiar to what she was doing while I half paid attention trying to spend as little time in the kitchen as possible. And in the case of the squash casserole, one of my professors from my college days shared a recipe with me.
My hubby is working in a community garden and when the squash was ready to be harvested, I told him to set aside 2-3 pounds for me to make squash casserole.
The recipe was fairly easy to make. I thought that I would burn the flour-butter mixture, but I did not. If you decide to try this recipe and you are not sure, have the temperature is medium-low heat.
I shredded my cheese to make it easier to add. I added cheese on top at the same time I added the crackers because I like my cheese crunchy. If you just want it melted, add 10 minutes before cooking time is complete.
The good thing about casseroles is that everything is dumped into a dish, topped with cheese, and baked until done. EASY!
If my mom could see me now, she would be proud. She would laugh too. Funny how when we grow up we become wistful for those simple pleasures enjoyed in our childhood. And if we were fortunate to have good parents, we end up doing some of the same things they did.

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

A Firefighter's Wife

My hubby has been a volunteer firefighter for over a year now. At first I did not know how I felt about it when he told me that he was going to begin the training. He has always had a willing attitude to help others. Part of me was happy and part of me was worried. What is something happens like the roof caving in or an explosion? I don't want him to get hurt. But what about the people in the house or structure where the fire is occurring? There need to be people to help save them.
I am glad that he is doing his part to help the local community by being a firefighter. He gets calls to house fires, forest/brush fires, and car/motorcycles accidents. He has helped extricate people from vehicles after an accident, while others are taken away by the coroner. The experiences that he has had during this time have helped us both to enjoy life and be more careful.

We unplug electronics before leaving on long trips (he even unplugs the toaster oven when not in use)
We check the batteries in our fire detectors and in the detectors of elderly family members
We make sure everyone has their seat beat on in the car and no distracted driving!
Plus we do a lot of other safety related activities to try to prevent unwanted fire damage.

When the call comes in, day or night, I still feel nervous as he puts on his uniform to head out. But I know that he is going to be safe and try to help someone that is having a worst time than I am.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Miss Travel - the travel dating website

Unlike other dating websites, this offers free travel for “beautiful people”. I know that they are trying to make this a classy website that is supposed to pair “generous people” (meaning people with money) with “attractive people” (meaning those who fit their standard of beauty). All I can think is that it is pairing people with more money than friends and people who agree that they should be rewarded for being born with pleasing features.
At first I thought that I might be suffering from sour grapes since I know that I probably do not fit media standards of what is beautiful. I look good enough, but I look nothing like the women shown on their home page. But then I realized that my main issue with the website is that it is essentially an escort service. I like the website tries to make it sound like this is all about matching travelers so that people do not have to travel solo. If this was really about pairing people with similar interests to see a city or share a vacation, they would have left off the part about the fact that the most important quality of the travel companion is their looks.
The people who will use this “travel dating” or matchmaker service will probably be middle age pudgy, balding, rich men with the type of personalities that make it difficult for them to function in most social settings. The website said that the travel companion has to be beautiful but made no such similar demands on those funding aforementioned travel excursions. Since the website is called Miss Travel, it stands to reason that the majority of the benefactors would be male. As it seems that this is supposed to be a dating service that facilitates the happy-ever-after ending, I would not be surprised if these girls are looking to be the eye candy for a sugar daddy that is financially secure enough to fund whatever they fancy for the long term. The guys might be looking for love with a  beautiful person, but the girls are probably looking for big bank accounts.
With so much emphasis placed on the travel companion’s outer beauty, I wonder what kind of conversation will be had during the travels. I am not saying that intelligent people cannot be beautiful, but I have a hard time imagining that a smart pretty person would allow such objectification based solely on their appearance.
There can be no illusions during the trip. Each side knows how they arrived where they are. And I am sure it has to be a blow to the ego of the generous companion to know that this person who is considered “beautiful” would not give their generous benefactor a second glance if it had not been for fact he is paying for everything.
And on a baser level, since the generous companions are providing an all inclusive paid vacation for the beautiful person, what else might they think their payment entitles them to receive? It would be illegal for the website to imply the possibility that the generous companion might expect sex as part of the bargain. I would be interested to know if they are sharing hotel rooms on the vacation. If so, in a roundabout way, that beautiful person sold their body for a vacation in a popular locale. After it is all over, he has the pictures and a story to tell his friends and she has to answer at least one question, “Was it worth it?”

Monday, February 20, 2012


A few weeks ago, I decided to publish some of my poems in a book called “Appreciate Life”. The poems in this chapbook of poetry are meant to create an introspective view of all aspects of life. The topics include love, joy, melancholy, loss, hope and optimism.
Visit to check out my eBook and please leave a review for me.
Thank you so much for your support!

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

This is news???

I think that Facebook makes me feel better about my life. But I was never one of those people that was always looking at others thinking that I want what they have. I like my life. I try not to be a follower, looking at the “Jones” and trying to keep up with what they are doing. If there is something that I want, it should not be because someone else has it. I should want it because it fits into what I like for my situation.
I agree that grossly overweight people should have to pay more. I do not like being squeezed in my seat because Tubby next to me. However, I do not agree that 165 pounds is normal size and everything over that should be considered overweight. I would venture to say that anything less than 300 pounds can probably fit into a seat without much spillage in my lap if I am sitting next to this portly person.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Poem: Wings

If only I had wings, I would fly away
So much pain and suffering to endure
Twelve long years of abuse, verbal and otherwise
I raise my head towards the heavens,
hands open wide
ready to accept assistance that has not yet reached me
Who can hear my silent pleas?
Who will rescue me?
My childhood has been like living in an eternal winter
Barren, cold darkness
Frigid air numb my nerve endings
Permafrost stunt my growth and transformation
Unable to move as my heartbeat slows
It yearns to escape by any means
I will pray in anticipation for my wings
My deliverance is sure to come

Poem inspired by mixed media artwork entitled "Flight" by Tyrone Geter (Elgin, SC)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

You are not the father- the aftermath

This is sad


I think about the Maury talk show where  he does paternity tests. When he says, “You are NOT the father,” the crowd goes wild. The man usually jumps up and down in relief. He might even yell at the woman some sort of exclamation how he knew it and she was trying to trick him. Meanwhile, the woman has to deal with the shame of not knowing who the father of her child really is. It is at this point, that she should have a meeker attitude and come to terms with the fact that she was way too promiscuous and having too much unprotected sex at the time of her child’s conception. It all makes for some sort of entertainment.


The reality is that not every man is going to be happy at the prospect of finding out he has been cuckolded. With the stresses of life, some people have a very tenuous connection to reality. No one knows what will be the circumstances that lead them to snap. In this case, this man snapped after finding out that the he was not the father. I do not know if he wanted to be a real father that supported and took care of his children or not. But the fact of the matter is that she lied to him and he had to find out the truth from a paternity test. I feel sorry for this girl, her child, and her family. At the same time, I feel sorry for the man who was deceived for whatever length of time into believing that the child was his.

I think that if a woman has not been all together faithful to her boyfriend/husband, there is room for doubt whether or not that child is his. She needs to get the DNA paternity test. Deceit is not fair to possible father or the child.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Thinking in 4s

4 songs that I am addicted to

1.       Rolling in the deep - Adele

2.       Nessum Dorma – Three Mo Tenors

3.       Home – Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros

4.       Nine Million Bicycles – Katie Melua

4 things I cannot live without

1.       Sleep

2.       Food

3.       Cell phone

4.       Creative writing

4 memories I won’t forget

1.       June 1989 – baptism

2.       October 1998 – mom died

3.       December 2009 – international convention

4.       April 2011 – wedding day

4 words I cannot go a day without

1.       Really ?!?!?

2.       Love

3.       Eat

4.       No


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Georgia anti-obesity ads

Wake up! Obesity is real. A child healthcare organization is trying to bring attention to the issue. The campaign has its supporters and of course there are those who criticize as too harsh.

Some people feel that this is going to further depress fat children so that they remain in a cycle dependence on food. I think that the ad campaign is a good thing.

The same people that criticize the campaign also say that the campaign should be targeted towards fast food restaurants that present unhealthy options instead of calling young people fat. I think that the campaign cannot go after the fast food industry because this is a capitalist market. Economic principles show that market changes happen because of change in supply or demand. As long as there is a demand for what they are offering, the fast food restaurants will present a supply of cheap, unhealthy foods to be sold. This campaign tries something different. It is focused to the parents and the children (the demand in the market equation). Currently, it is probably a correct assumption that children do not correlate their unhealthy eating habits with their obesity and health problems. If the parents and children demanded more healthier foods, then the fast food restaurants would change their supply to meet the change in market needs.

I do not think that this campaign is saying anything that is mean or unkind. If a child is overweight, that is a fact. Someone needs to tell that child that he/she is overweight and give the child the education and proper diet in order to reach a healthier weight. If the parents are going to be subject to the whims of their children, then it is the children who need to tell the parents what they want so that they can lose weight and be more healthy. It is true that some bullies might use this campaign as additional fodder when making fun of a fat kid, but, even without this campaign, children are bullied for being overweight.

When parents allow their children to eat a diet of French fries and chicken nuggets, there is no wonder that the child is so fat. Instead of teaching the child to be healthy, the parent tries to teach the child to be happy while obese. Keeping in mind that everyone should have some modicum of self-esteem despite their size, they also need to be a healthy weight for their body frame. Some may say this is a vain attempt to demonize those who are not skinny, but the campaign is talking about being healthy. Healthy people usually live longer and have a better quality of life because they are not as sick.

I am sure that it can be difficult for a parent to tell their child “No” to all that cheap processed food since it is a chore to go to the grocery store, buy and cook wholesome food on a daily basis. Parents need to be concerned with the diet of their children because it is their lives that is at stake. Parents that refuse to acknowledge the issue might end up with bigger problems for their children: hypertension, diabetes, and joint replacements. The sad part is that a lot of these conditions are avoidable because they are based on the nutrients or lack thereof that are put into our bodies.

Monday, January 09, 2012

Twilight stars career advice

I have heard that the celebs from Twilight are so popular because of this series that they run the risk of not being able to have a career after Twilight.


I read the article in the link above and the comments and it surprised me how many people seem to believe that Robert Pattinson and Kristin Stewart are really good actors. I was like “REALLY?”

Watching the somber, overly morose characters annoyed me. The story is supposed to prove how true love can conquer all. I have to agree in this case true loves seems to succeed even in spite of vapid behavior.

But I digress since this is not a critique of the Twlight movies.


Back to the characters. I think they risk not being able to have a career because they cannot really act. The few movies that I have seen that have had Robert Pattinson with a leading role, he seems to replaying his miserable, self-deprecating, self-destructive character without the benefit of being a vampire. Maybe if he plays a different type of character, I will change my opinion.

Kristen Stewart also seems to gravitate towards the roles of dark, somber females that remain of the fringes of society. None of her movie characters have impressed me yet. I am curious to see how she performs in the movie Snow White since that looks like she is playing a lead action actress role. I like that better than the weak-I-cannot-live-without-you type of female.


If they can expand their range, I am sure that they could become decent actors. If they keep taking roles that are similar to what Twilight, they will continue to be mediocre actors.

When I say “expand their range”, I mean that they should do something that is completely different from what they are used to doing.

Some examples of actors/actresses that I can think of right off the top of my head that I see as having a wide range: Glenn Close, Dustin Hoffman, Robin Williams, Jack Nicholson, Samuel L Jackson


OK woman shoots intruder

I file this story under HILARIOUS


I feel bad for the woman because she has a baby and her husband died of cancer a week before this happened. Two enterprising low-life guys had the genius idea to rob her on the chance that her husband might have left some potent painkillers feeding their prescription drug addiction. Good thing that she had a shot gun and knew how to use it.

Many would just shoot first and ask questions later, but she was on the phone with 9-1-1 speaking to the operator during the entire ordeal and asked if it was okay to shoot the intruder. Since she barricaded herself, the intruder had no idea what was about to happen. And it is at this part of the story that I begin to chuckle to myself. Tee hee hee.

 He was planning on terrorizing this poor girl and who knows what else? Thankfully he did not get the chance. He got through the door, she saw something shiny and let the shots fly.

Bravo for her!

But this story raises one important question: Where  were the police???

Don’t get me wrong, I am not complaining that she shot him, but that must have been some harrowing experience for her. She was on the phone with the 9-1-1 operator for 20 minutes.

Was the operator so enthralled in the drama that they forgot to dispatch the police?

Did the police know she had a gun and hoped she would save them some paperwork and the county tax money of processing him after an arrest?


In any case, the police said that they would not press charges because she shot him in self-defense. I hope this woman, for her baby’s sake, is able to find some security and peace of mind while she continues to grieve for her husband and move on with her life.



Friday, January 06, 2012

Lying can get you deported

There is a hilarious story on all the national media outlets about a girl who ran away from home, lied about her citizenship and ended up being deported to Colombia.


At first I had mixed reactions because I did not have any information that would give insight to the type of child she was (even though 14 years old is not exactly a child). As more information about this story has come out, my official reaction: HILARIOUS!!!
She is a misbehaving teenager that was trying to beat a theft charge. I guess she thought that the authorities would call her mother who would most likely give her hell for running away and getting arrested. So she got the bright idea to lie about who she was. If she had been more informed, she would have realized that claiming to be a person without legal status in the US only gets you a free one-way trip back to your home country and motherland.


The stories make a big deal about the fact that she did not know Spanish and she was interviewed by several officials. I take issue with the allegation that this is the fault of the various officials involved.

1.    Her mother said in an interview that Jakadrien claimed she was this person who is undocumented but the officials should have made sure – Why would the officials believe that she was lying? If a person goes to the police station and says they committed a crime, should the police then investigate to make sure they were telling the truth? Uhhh no. They are going to book then on charges. Don’t admit to crimes you don’t commit. In this case, she was admitting that she came to this country illegally and that was not the case.

2.    Her mother said Jakadrien was a 14 year old claiming to be 21 but the officials should have doubted that she was who she said she was – Children are just bigger and more mature looking these days. I have been to the high school and wondered how old they are because they look like adults. She looks to me like she is older than she is. I know if I am fooled from her picture, it is understandable that they were fooled by her in person.

3.    Media outlets say she did not know Spanish which should have been a red flag that she might have been lying – Her reticence to speak was probably misinterpreted. While she was busy trying to pretend not to speak English, she should have been paying attention to what they were saying they were going to do to her. Maybe she did not know what “deportation” meant. It is at this point that she should have realized how deep she was and started asking for her phone call to contact her family. But knowing how teenagers operate, she was probably still trying to figure how she was going to get out of it on her own. Since she did not have sense to fess up, she was shipped to Colombia.

Jakadrien is not the first person to get deported because of lying about not having papers. A few months ago, a guy ended up in Mexico when he claimed to be undocumented, trying to beat a drug charge.

Oh well. On a positive note, she is definitely a survivor since she was able to get a job and support herself in a country where initially she did not even know the language. I wonder if she learned to speak Spanish. That would be one way to make the best of her bad situation. In any case, she is on her way back and MAYBE she will now appreciate US life.


In an interview on CNN, her momma has dollar signs in her eyes, trying to make her daughter to be a innocent victim in this whole situation. It is not like her daughter was six years old and clueless. I hope none of them get paid. She paid a high price for lying, but do not blame the officials for treating her based on her own admission.

Thursday, January 05, 2012

Lil Wayne and Nicki Minaj = Good Teachers...does not compute

Really??? Lil Wayne and Nicki Minaj praised as teachers of the year?
I know that I cannot speak too much to the quality of the lyrics of Lil Wayne and Nicki Minaj because I do not really listen to their music. I have seen a few videos of each artist. Lyrically they are able to put words together in such a way that makes for an interesting rhyme. However, I do think that they have anything uplifting and up building to say that should qualify them to be voted as teachers of the year. The designation of “teacher of the year” should be given to someone who is trying to improve the lives of the young people they teach. This should go to someone who is trying to expand the horizons of young people. What difference are they trying to make besides increasing their own personal fame and fortune? In my opinion, both are promoting lifestyles that encourage unrealistic ideas by their alter egos.
Young men that want to emulate Lil Wayne might get the impression that getting respect on the streets means taking whatever means necessary to make that happen. Trying to get respect on the streets most often leads to prison time with potential for a life sentence when someone is killed over something trivial (see link about rapper Slim Dunkin below).
Young women who want to emulate Nicki Minaj might decide that the most important thing in life is their appearance to be able to attract the man with the money to pay for the lifestyle they want. But with the young men listening to Lil Wayne misogynistic lyrics that demean females, I wonder where they will find all these “good men”.
Teacher of the Year should be based on the quality of the instruction given. Teaching young people how to perpetuate negative stereotypes should not be praised or encouraged. That only leads to the further degradation of society.

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Kobe + 105 = Ex wife

This is why I don’t care if celebs get married. More failures than success stories these days.

What is the appeal of getting married if they are going to disrespect the institution and the vows by cheating every chance they get? In a perfect world, I think that everyone would have high moral standards, people would practice abstinence until marriage, and no one would cheat on their spouse. I realize that people do not value morality the way that I think they should. In any case, it seems that marriage is just something to do to spend money and not really about a lasting commitment and promise between two people.

I do have to give proper commendation to Kobe’s levelheaded mother-in-law that talked her daughter to staying married long enough to receive half of everything thing he owned. Kobe might have thought he was off the hook after he gave that very expensive “I’m sorry” gift a few years ago when his other indiscretions came to light.

I am sure there are people that say that Kobe’s wife could have been as much at fault to the point that she might have “caused him to cheat”. This is a possibility. But if that was the case, he could have divorced her by filing for irreconcilable differences. Why continue in a union when there is obviously something wrong? The time he wasted sleeping with other women while he was married now means that she has relieved him of half his income. Bravo Bravo!

My suggestion to other celebs: DON’T GET MARRIED unless you are absolutely certain that you are going to dedicate your life to making it work with this person (barring mental and physical abuse or other serious issues that might prevent a successful married life).

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