Friday, December 14, 2012

Grumpy cat meme

I made this meme and I am sure there are variations of this created by others already on the internet.
I feel this way today because I am sleepy and cranky. There are certain people that are way too happy and I feel like bursting their bubble to bring them down a notch. I know that sounds really mean spirited, but I think most of can relate. Especially those of you who need your coffee to function.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh, dear, I am probably one of those who fall in the way too happy category. Why not? Life is too short to spend it grumpy and after all, we are only given one shot at this thing called life. I won't say I do not have my ups and downs and days of just not feeling good, but I try to remain positive. Even in the down times can perhaps something positive be found that brings on a smile. It takes less muscles to smile than frown anyway.

BTW Thank you for following catnip. Hope you will enjoy and always leave with catnip thoughts and smiles :-) Following you, too!

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