Friday, July 08, 2011

Wearing school uniforms- PRO

Why do students attend school? Is school to be likened to a fashion show? Is it for the purpose of learning? One would respond without hesitation that students attend school to learn and broaden their knowledge of various subjects. When public schools require their students to wear uniforms, they are removing a variable that can become a distraction to the learning process.  Wearing uniforms create unity among the students, prevent discrimination based on clothing, and reduce discipline problems.


When uniforms are required, all students look the same. The harmony of the clothing can work to unify the student body. For example, there is no way to determine if a student if from a rich family or poor family when everyone is dressed in a uniform.


Wearing uniforms at school limits discrimination based on clothing. For example, a student may wear clothing with colors associated with a local gang. The teacher may discriminate against that student because he thinks that that student does not care about learning. What the teacher does not know is that student only wears the gang colors to prevent problems with the local gang. The student wants to learn in order to advance himself, but because of the teacher’s assessment, is not given the opportunity. If the school required student uniforms, the teacher would not have made an incorrect assessment based on the student’s attire.


Wearing a uniform can reduce discipline problems.  Although schools have decency policies regarding dress, many students choose to dress in an indecent manner. However, this can be avoided when uniforms are required. Students will have definite, instead of subjective, guidelines as to what is accepted dress. The clear boundaries will help to prevent discipline problems.


At times, clothes can be used as a means to divide one another. Incorrect conclusions are sometimes drawn solely by observing the way a person is dressed. Wearing uniforms can prevent some problems and actually work to create unity in the school. Additionally, requiring uniforms in school is teaching an important lesson for young people. Although they may come from different backgrounds and have different types of families,   they are learning to treat everyone equally.

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