Monday, July 25, 2011

Joseph of Charleston

I went to Charleston last weekend and wanted to visit some of the places
featured on Food Network programs. For breakfast Sunday morning, I
decided to go to Joseph's of Charleston that was featured on Anthony
Bourdain's No Reservations. Since the restaurant is on Meeting Str and
it is somewhat difficult to find parking downtown in that area, I spent
about 15-20 minutes circling the area to find a parking space that was
not too far out of walking distance. So after I spent considerable
amount of effort to get there, it was disheartening to walk up and see
the sign saying the establishment is closed.
That was not enough.
They want me to visit one of their sister locations. At this point, it
does not matter how good the food is at their other restaurants. They
are obviously paying the web hosting for the
website which gives people false hope of being able to enjoy a great
breakfast at that specific location. The least they could do was to have
a note on the front page of that website that is the same as the sign on
the door.
This restaurant group lost my business because I did not want the
headache. I am not walking all over downtown, especially in this heat,
to find their restaurants. Marketing Lesson 101 - Update your
After that fiasco, I went to a restaurant that was not on Food Network
but came highly recommended by a friend - Crave in Mount Pleasant. Great
restaurant with ambiance and killer brunch menu. But more on that in a
later post with pictures to match. Yummm!

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