Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Netflix sent me an email yesterday saying that they are raising their prices.

My first reaction was “Booooooo!” Yes I regressed to first grade level type of response. My negative feelings are not because they raised the price, but that they are basically disregarding the consumers that they helped them get to be so successful. Other companies grandfather in their current customer’s payment plans when making price changes. I guess that Netflix got too full of themselves and think just because customers bragged about the great Netflix deal, they were committed to staying with the company no matter what.  Maybe if Netflix spent less money on advertising on every webpage within Facebook, they would have lower prices.

Needless to say, I was seriously contemplating if I was going to continue my Netflix membership.
Netflix forgot that I do have other options: Blockbuster and Redbox. You are welcome for my business Netflix and it was good while it lasted. Since nothing good last forever, see ya later suckers!

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