Monday, April 06, 2009

Ten qualities a good friend should have

I was in a reflective mood.

We are for the most part are very social beings. This means that we want
and need friends. Being a friend takes work and a lot of effort. A good
friend will be there for you to celebrate the good times and cry with
you during the troublesome times. I developed my list of 10 qualities I
think a good friend should have. These days, it is harder and harder to
find those rare people who truly possess all the qualities listed below.

1. Loyalty
2. Empathy
3. Honesty
4. Self-control
5. Patience
6. Thoughtfulness
7. Courage
8. Good listener
9. Selflessness
10. Humility

When you find some one like that, do whatever it takes to cultivate a
lasting friendship. Let me know what your top 10 qualities are or leave
comment on my list.

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