Monday, February 23, 2015

Day Three - Acrostic, Trust, Internal Rhyme #writing201

I am several days late on this assignment. 

The theme was trust and I wanted to incorporate what I am dealing with in real life into this assignment. It took me a while to compose the poem because I wanted to convey my thoughts and employ the poetry techniques. 

I volunteer for the local United Way on the investment committee. One of the programs supported by the local UW is a group home called Bowers-Rodgers. They can serve children from birth to 20 years but the oldest I think they have had in the home is 17 years old.

Growing up in home where my parents loved me, I cannot imagine what it must be like for a child to have to be separated from their parents.

While we were doing our site visit, a young boy approached our group and mentioned in conversation that the group home was safer than where he lived before. 
(picture from

This poem is dedicated to Bower's Rodgers group home and similar homes like this where the adults care for abused and neglected children while trying to teach them that not all adults are untrustworthy.

The Group Home
Grateful for a bed to lay my head
Realizing my moans because I lost my home
One day hopefully I will have no concerns
Until then I must come to terms
Pulled from my mother for my own protection
Habituating now with other children happily as a temporary family
Oasis, haven, refuge, shelter
My confidence in adults was like shattered remains
Each caregiver here has a positive effect, while helping us all connect

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