Tuesday, September 27, 2011

In the news

Doctor sends woman to the morgue alive
Brazil is not known for their wonderful healthcare for women. If she is
not getting implants or lipo, I do not think the doctors care too much.
And I might be mistaken, but I thought it was in Brazil that a doctor
erroneously thought a baby was dead too. Either way, healthcare in
Brazil is risky for women.
Everyone who unfriended you on Facebook hidden again

The new Facebook sucks. If it was not a free service, I would probably
stop using it. But as it stands, I will just have to use less until I
figure out all the ways that people who are not my friends can now see
my pictures and status updates. I hate having my privacy taken away.
Then again FB does not understand why anyone would want privacy- such an
arcane notion. Zuckerburg promotes these changes as improvements because
it makes it easier to connect with people. He does not realize that I
don't want it to be easy. There are too many crazies out there for that.
I am ready for the next big thing so that I can move on from FB. Google
+ when will you get games??? Or maybe I will use Google to connect with
people and FB for games.

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