Thursday, February 03, 2011

late night ramblings

I came the realization that America is really a nation of bullies. From the formation of this country, settlers “discovered” a new land and proceeded to kill/rape/conquer the natives and claim the land as their own. Then they enslaved other national groups and use the free labor to build their wealth and power.

Over the years, things have not improved. Although there is better technology, the same aggressive attitude remains. Most people cannot be bothered with facts or common sense, but they are content to be spoon fed propaganda fed to them through media outlets that promote division, hate, and violence. To hear them tell it, God only loves America. The texts that say “God is Love” and that “God is not partial” mean nothing to them. No. God wants them to convert the world or die trying. Wait, they would rather send someone else’s sons and daughters to do that. But it is for a good cause, so it is supposedly worth it. War-loving Americans, with their bullish attitude, are trying to influence the world. But then there is more money to be made in war than peace.

In the end that is what America is really all about – MONEY

It is so sad for everyone involved.

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