Wednesday, February 09, 2011

sadness strikes again

Last night I received awful news that the father of one of my close friends died. I still feel sick in the pit of stomach and I can only attribute it to my overwhelming sadness. It seems like so many people I know are dying. I could not sleep last night, so I channel that emotion into a poem. The therapy worked and I was able to get to sleep. I am still a little teary eyed today, but at least I can talk without breaking down into tears.


Appreciate Time


Caught up in the day to day routine

life is so busy, so frenetic

there is no time,

no time to visit friends

no time to enjoy the Saturday afternoon

while sitting on their porch in a rocking chair

drinking a cup of tea or lemonade

but then tragedy strikes, and they are gone

death has dealt a blow to their family, their friends, and me

I am left with only vague memories and

regrets of time which could have been spent more wisely

I should have…

if only I had made the time

I feel nothing but sorrow and a dull ache

a result of the knowledge

I have deprived myself of experiences with friends

because I was too busy to slow down

too busy to take the time to appreciate life


written in memory of W. Hill & J. Moran


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