Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Black Friday Ads and Cease and Desist Orders

It is that time of year again. Everyone is getting ready for the biggest shopping day of the year. BLACK FRIDAY. Since the whole country is in a bit of a recession, there have not been many ads posted so far. I am hoping for retailers to have some crazy sales, especially on electronics. I want a GPS. The only leaked sales ad worth mentioning is Walgreens. They have one of those Bullet-like blenders for 9.99. I learned about the Bullet through an infomercial. You can make salsa in 5 seconds and smoothies in 10. I do not want to pay 60 bucks for the name brand version, but 10 dollars is my speed. Walgreens also has some $12 body butter for 2 bucks. That is worth a trip.

I get my information about the upcoming sales from I laugh at the companies that demand that they not release their sales information. They want it to be a big surprise and so they threaten legal action

Companies that send Cease and Desist Orders usually do not get my business. I do not know what they are trying to prove, but I do not get it. To me it is all about saving time and money. I need a game plan for Black Friday. Everything opens at 6-7 and I do not have time to go get the sales papers to decide what I want to buy. I got to be ready when the doors open headed to the specific department to make my claim.


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