Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Do you say "Keep in Touch" too?

So many times people say that they will "keep in touch" but when they actually move away, I guess it is a lot harder than it seemed to be in the beginning. I sent some cards to some people who I have not talked to in years. I realized that I am just as guilty as other people when it comes to keeping in touch. Yeah, yeah times are so hectic. But then I thought about it and questioned "Why should I feel guilty about not keeping in touch when my phone has not been exactly ringing off the hook?" Then in their (meaning all these people who were supposed to be keeping in touch with me) I have moved and most of them only had my home phone number - which has also changed. So I am sending out my little "Thinking about you" cards and hoping someone will take the next step and send me a note to say "Hello" too.

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