Thursday, March 30, 2006

Do you rebate?

I have a friend that detests rebates. This cartoon made me think of him. I like rebates sometimes. It depends how much I am getting back and who is the company. I only deal with reputable ones. For instance, I have heard that CompUSA does not like to pay rebates in a timely I don't buy anything from them. Because even though I like rebates, I don't like to have to call and follow up when it is past the 8-10 weeks. Walgreens is really good about sending the rebate checks quicker than I expected to receive it.

A little secret: Try to use a coupon for any item that you are going to get a rebate. Its like double savings! And if it is double coupons...the savings increase too!!

Just a way I like to get over on big business - seeing as how I have to spend so much on gas, power, telephone, and internet bills.
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