Friday, February 18, 2005

Friday is the LONGEST day

I am so ready to go home right now. And I know that I have to go to work. Although I won't disclose what I do. I watch the news and see people losing GOOD jobs because they don't have the sense to keep private info from work off of the Internet. But I digress. So I want to go home. I have had a long hard week at work and I am ready for my 3-day weekend. Does anybody else get President's day off? Woo-hoo. I did not even know that was a real holiday. I thought it was something the furniture stores used to have a reason "slash prices". I say "slash prices" because all that cheapo furniture is overpriced anyway. I think I am so tired I can't even stay focused on my post. So you know that this will be a very long-g-g-g day.

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