Sunday, January 01, 2006

Its a new year!

Ok ok ok. It is a new year. That does not mean any thing really for me. I dont do the new year's resolutions. What is the point? I know myself. And there is no point in making the resolutions. So I just relish in the fact that I have made it another year. Hope is better than last year (but then I say that every year)

Hope all of you are gonna have a good year too...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey yup new year that means 6 mos. till my bday ill be 15 yay! PERMIT! scary huh? lol also that means 3 yrs till grad yay its sooo close yet so far away!!! im soo sick of skool!! ahhhhh... lol but wht ever its keeps me somewht entertained! but w/e... well holla atcha l8r n see u on friday... luv ya -Kathy

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